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Emily Atkinson
Sel Special Education Paraprofessional
Midland Elementary
(801) 476-5400
Londoncherie Back
Preschool Paraprofessional
Midland Elementary
(801) 476-5400
Kristen Baddley
Elementary Teacher
Midland Elementary
(801) 476-5400
Alison Benson
Elementary Counselor
Midland Elementary
(801) 476-5400
Cooper Boatwright
Part Time Custodian
Midland Elementary
(801) 476-5400
Grace Bonifas
Elementary Teacher
Midland Elementary
(801) 476-5400
Jackson Booth
User Support Specialist
Technical Services
(801) 476-5400
Sandra Bradbury
Speech Language Pathologist
(801) 476-5400
Debra Brenchley
Elementary Aide
Midland Elementary
(801) 476-5400
Lori Brinkerhoff
Elementary Teacher
Midland Elementary
(801) 476-5400
Muriel Brixey
PT Lead Custodian
Midland Elementary
(801) 476-5400
Jenny Brower
Sel Special Education Teacher
Midland Elementary
(801) 476-5400
Tiffannie Burton
Elementary Aide
Midland Elementary
(801) 476-5400
Kelsey Campbell
Sel Special Education Paraprofessional
Midland Elementary
(801) 476-5400
Amanda Carter
Special Education Preschool Teacher
(801) 476-5400
Kathy Cavitt
Elementary Teacher
Midland Elementary
(801) 476-5400
Ellie Chamberlain
Elementary Teacher
Midland Elementary
(801) 476-5400
Alma Chavez
Elementary Nutrition Service Manager
Midland Elementary
(801) 476-5412
Megan Clark
Elementary Teacher
Midland Elementary
(801) 476-5400
Aubrey Costley
Elementary Teacher
Midland Elementary
(801) 476-5400