Did You Know

Our school received $52,468.00 in discretionary money to spend for academic improvement this year.

The Midland School Community Council voted to spend the funds on the following items:

•Reading and Math Paraprofessionals
•Instructors for P.E., Computer, and FAME classes
•Portable Chromebook Lab
•Substitutes while Teachers attend PLC Conference

Did you know that Utah received 7 million acres of land at statehood to generate funding for schools? Half of the land remains in a trust for public education. The School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration (SITLA) manages the trust land. The School and Institutional Trust Funds Office (SITFO) invests the endowment funds and the annual interest and dividends from the fund is how the School LAND Trust Program receives the annual allocation. That is how our school receives this discretionary money.