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Meeting Minutes (2020-09-15)

Midland  Community Council Meeting Minutes -

Tuesday September 15, 2020 

5:30 pm

Google Meet


Welcome Members at  5:30p


Parent Members Present: Barbara Smith, Kyle Smith, Emily Weston, Lindsey Maker, Sarah Tolson   


Parent Members Absent:  N/A


School Members Present:  Brenda Hellstrom, Tracy Sutton, Stacy Rountree


Visitors: N/A 


Review and Ratify Minutes from March 10, 2020 Meeting:

  • Minutes ratified by Tracy Sutton 1st, Stacy Rountree 2nd, all in favor


Elect Officers:

  • Chair: Barbara Smith- 1st Kyle Smith, 2nd Brenda Hellstom, all in favor
  • Secretary: Brenda Hellstrom- 1st Sarah Tolson, 2nd Lindsey Maker, all in favor


Training and Review:

Purpose and Responsibilities of the Council:

  • Watched “Utah’s Education Endowment” video.
  • Review the highlights of our school’s Trust LAND plan. 



  • Review planned meeting Dates for the year


Trust Land Plan:

  • The principal posts the following on the school’s website and in the school office:
    • The proposed schedule of meeting dates for the year 
    • The names of council members, with a phone or email contact (or both) 
    • A summary (Final Report) of the implementation of the School LAND Trust Program school plan  including how the goals were completed and how the money was spent. 
  • Principals enter fall reports on the School LAND Trust website
  • Membership Report – names and email addresses of the current school community council 
  • Final Report on last year’s implementation and with measurement results 

Next Meeting:

Oct. 20, 2020 - 5:30pm, Google Meet

  • Initial discussion on 2020-2021 Plan
  • Review Last Year’s Final Report implementation with measurement results.


Meeting Dismissed: 6:30 pm