6th grade
Notice: the items on this list will be used during the regular school day. They may be brought from home on a voluntary basis; otherwise, items will be furnished by the teacher/school.
*black sharpie marker
*dry erase markers (4, for use throughout the year)
*2-pocket folders (2)
*1 inch binder
*pencil box or pouch
The following items will be used regularly. If your child would like to have their own supplies to use and keep in their desk rather than use the teacher’s set, they may bring them (please label).
*ruler (with inches and centimeters)
*basic function calculator (+, -, x, /)
*wired headphones (may not use wireless earbuds)
*computer mouse (only if your child prefers, teacher will not provide)
Non-instructional items (accepted donations):
- box of tissues
- paper towels
- cleaning wipes
- hand sanitizer
- Individually wrapped candy