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Meeting Minutes (2019-12-10)

Midland  Community Council Meeting Minutes -

Tuesday, Dec. 10, 2019  

Conference Room


Welcome Members at  5:30 PM


Parent Members Present: Desiree Centini, Alisa Buchanan,  Jeff and Misty Gonzales, Lindsay Jones, Barbara Smith, Angela Eschler

Parent Members Absent:  Lani Wallace, Brooke Mullen

School Members Present:  Brenda Hellstrom, Tracy Sutton, Stacy Rountree



Review & Ratify Minutes for March 3, 2019 Meeting: 

  • minutes ratified  Alisa 1st Tracy 2nd  all in favor


Elect Officers:

  • Vice- Chair:  Barbara Smith    1st Alisa 2nd Stacy  all in favor
  • Secretary:  Brenda Hellstrom  1st Alisa 2nd Barbara  all in favor


Purpose and Responsibility of the Council

  • School Trustlands Video training
  • School Land Trust Website ( Shows you each school’s budget, funding; many things to investigate.
  • Digital Citizenship and Safety: teachers are given guidelines from the district  for lessons on appropriate use of technology in the classroom and parents sign an appropriate use page at registration each year.


Review Previous Plan and Results

  • Review 2018-2019 plan and discuss implementation and measurement results
  • Go over student achievement from last year. 


Discuss Current Plan

  • Review 2019-2020 plan and discuss implementation
  • Benchmark goal has not been met in the last 3 years.
  • It was discussed to change the goal from “Benchmark” to “Pathways of Progress” in order to better identify student growth. Change the goals from 85% to 75%.  1st-Alisa Desiree 2nd all in favor
  • Discuss number of teachers who have been to PLC conferences.  Do we want to keep the money set aside to train teachers in classroom management?


Next Meeting:

Jan. 21, 2019 - 5:30pm, Conference Room

Meeting Dismissed at: 7:00 PM