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TSSA 2020-2021


2020 – 2021 Trust Land Plan Midland Elementary

Goal #1  -  Reading

Based on Pathways of Progress Schoolwide Data, 65% or more of our K-6 students will show typical, above typical, or well above typical growth on the end of year DIBELS Assessment.

Identify the measurement(s) you will use to determine if you are making progress towards the goal.

DIBELS assessments will be administered to students at the beginning of the year, mid-year, and at the end of the school year to measure growth.

Outline the steps of the action plan to reach this goal.

  1. Land trust monies will be spent to secure the services of paraprofessionals. Using the  DIBELS Assessment children will be identified as intensive, strategic, or benchmark level. The reading specialist and paraprofessionals will provide small group reading intervention services for those students identified as intensive in grades K-3.  ($22,000)               A paraprofessional will coordinate a cross age tutoring program with all grades 1-6.
  2. A paraprofessional will coordinate a cross age tutoring program with all grades 1-6. ($1600)
  3. Teachers will meet weekly in collaborative teams to review standards, curriculum, data, adjust instruction, and Tier II intervention placement for language arts instruction. This collaborative time will be created when students attend Computer, P.E. and FAME. The computer specialist will focus on basic computer skills, keyboarding proficiency, and the use of computer-based programs which enhance math and reading instruction. The P.E. specialists will expose students to a number of different physical activities that encourage healthy lifestyles. The FAME instructor will provide students with music and art experiences. ($5500)
  4. Teachers in the classroom will utilize technology to increase student engagement, promote learning, and provide assessment practice through the use of  leased portable chromebook labs as we ASCEND with all students having their own chromebook. ($9,000)
  5. Midland will be supporting a Mental Health Specialist to support students and teachers as needed. ($3700)
  6. Imagine Learning will be used to support the reading program in grades 1-3.
  7. Teachers will be involved in professional development through colleague observations, school and district training, and workshops or conferences. ($750)

Goal #2 - Mathematics

Grades 3-6th Student RISE math proficiency will increase by 5%.

Identify the measurement(s) you will use to determine if you are making progress towards the goal.

End-of-level RISE results will be compared from Spring 2019 to Spring 2021 for students in grades 

3 – 6.

Outline the steps of the action plan to reach this goal.

  1. Land trust monies will be spent to secure the services of paraprofessionals to work with students not proficient on math grade level essential learning targets (ELTS). ($9,792)
  2. Teachers will meet weekly in collaborative teams to review standards, curriculum, data, adjust instruction, and Tier II intervention placement for math instruction. This collaborative time will be created when students attend Computer, P.E. and FAME. The computer specialist will focus on basic computer skills, keyboarding proficiency, and the use of computer-based programs which enhance math and reading instruction. The P.E. specialist will expose students to a number of different physical activities that encourage healthy lifestyles. The FAME instructor will provide students with music and art experiences. ($5500)
  3. Aleks, a computer math program, will be used to support 5th and 6th grade students in math. ($1500)
  4. Teachers in the classroom will utilize technology to increase student engagement, promote learning, and provide assessment practice through the use of leased portable chromebooks. ($9000)
  5. Teachers will be involved in professional development through colleague observations, school and district training, and workshops or conferences. ($750)

Additional Funds:

Goals  #1 and 2: If the July distribution is more than the estimate, additional funds will be used to: Purchase more technology and/or Purchase Tier II Instructional Materials.

Goal  #2:  If the July distribution is more than the estimate, additional funds will be used to: Support students with math by increasing the amount of aide time or hiring additional personnel or adding math manipulatives.


Budget - Allocation $69,092.00

Carryover     $______


Estimated Expenses:

   Reading/Math Intervention Personnel        $22,000.00

   Cross Age Coordinator   $1600.00

   FAME Personnel   $5500.00

   Computer Specialist   $5500.00

   Chromebook Labs             $18,000.00

   ALEKS $1500.00

   Professional Development   $1500.00

   Mental Health Specialist   $3700.00

   Math Intervention Personnel $9.792.00

Total $69,092.00


Chromebook Labs:

*Chromebook Lab   1 $2937.00

*Chromebook Lab   2 $2937.00

*Chromebook Lab   3 $2937.00

*Chromebook Lab   4 $2937.00

*Chromebook Lab   5 $2937.00

*Chromebook Lab   6 $2937.00

*Mice   $378.00


Goal #1