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Meeting Minutes (2020-11-17)

Midland  Community Council Meeting Minutes -

Tuesday November 17, 2020 

5:30 pm

Google Meet


Welcome Members at  5:30p


Parent Members Present: Barbara Smith, Kyle Smith, Lindsey Maker, Sarah Tolson   


Parent Members Absent:  Emily Weston


School Members Present:  Brenda Hellstrom, Tracy Sutton, Stacy Rountree


Visitors: N/A 


Review and Ratify Minutes from September 15, 2020 Meeting:

  • Minutes ratified by Barbie Smith 1st, Lindsey Maker 2nd, all in favor


Review of Data from 2019-2020:

  • BOY data completed in Oct. 2019
  • MOY data completed in Dec. 2019
  • EOY data not available due to COVID-19 Soft Closure of schools
    • Student Growth from BOY to MOY data showed 51.82% of students K-6 typical or more than typical growth.
  • Midland MOY Growth (based on pathways progress)
  • Midland 55% of the kids (1-3) made typical or better growth.
  • If we had finished the year, we would have seen huge growth.
  • We were about 9% off of our goal.
  • 51.82 % in the middle of the year, we are confident we would have met our goal.
    • What gains are the students making academically?


Reviewed Current Plan

  • 2020-2021 Budget $69,092
  • 2021-2022 Budget $69,092
  • Goal 65% students will show typical or above typical growth through pathways to progress.
    • Progress monitor kids every other week from aids
    • $69,092 budget
    • Cross-age money not spent due to Covid
    • PLC 
  • Technology (one-to-one)
  • Mental health specialist (at Midland every Friday)
  • Imagine Learning with a  grant through the state
  • Professional development for teachers
  • 2nd goal increase 5% in math
    • Paraprofessionals
    • Aleks/Imagine math programs
    • PLC teachers
    • Technology
    • Professional development
  • Discussed budget


School Data from Leader In Me and Panaroma:

  • Panorama Survey Results
    • Gave us some great information
    • Sample questions from data
    • Discuss with the faculty
    • Work with 6th grade and counselor
  • Leader In Me Survey Results
    • Teachers, students, and parent surveys
    • 3-6 grade data
    • Everyone at Midland is being trained with Leader in Me
    • Lots of great information
    • Leader in Me lessons every Wednesday at 9:00 am.
    • Using the language in class and at home
    • We are excited to see what this program will help us with.



  • Review planned meeting Dates for the year

Next Meeting:

Jan. 19, 2021 - 5:30pm, Google Meet

  • Initial discussion on 2021-2022 Plan
  • Review Last Year’s Final Report implementation with measurement results.


Meeting Dismissed: 6:08 pm