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Meeting Minutes (2019-11-12)

Midland  Community Council Meeting Minutes -

Tuesday November 12, 2019  

Conference Room


Welcome Members at  5:30p


Parent Members Present:   Alisa Buchanan, Barbara Smith

Parent Members Absent:  Lani Wallace, Brooke Mullen

School Members Present:  Brenda Hellstrom, Tracy Sutton, Stacy Rountree


Parent Volunteers

  • Need more parents on the committee to have a full quorum
  • We cannot vote on any changes or positions without having more parents than teachers.


Training and Review:

  • Watched “Utah’s Education Endowment” video.
  • Review the highlights of our school’s Trust LAND plan. 



  • Discussed having a technology night with parents to go over internet safety.  
  • Parents and district tech support would be invited to attend
  • Committee thought January would be a good time since many students get new technology at Christmas.  This could also be done again next September after school begins.


Trust Land Plan:

  • It was discussed to change the goal from “Benchmark” to “Pathways of Progress” in order to better identify student growth.  
  • 85% is still a lofty goal so we may want to amend the goal back to 75%.  
  • Benchmark goal has not been met in the last 3 years.
  • We will review again in December when we have the required  number of committee members to make a change.


New Charter School:

  • Discussed how the new charter school will affect Midland next year.  It may have a positive effect on our overall school environment.


Next Meeting:

Dec. 10, 2019 - 5:30pm, Conference Room

  • Initial discussion on 2019-2020 Plan


Meeting Dismissed: 6:30 pm