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Meeting Minutes (2024-10-9)

Minutes from October 9, 2024 Community Council Meeting

3PM in Library of Midland Elementary

 Community Council members present:  Tami Neff, Michelle Ridge, Noah Tramposh, Shannon Wilkinson, Jill Gibson, Cami Nordmann, Kevin Chase  

Excused: Ashley Musselman, Michelle Puzey


Welcome :Kevin Chase


Kevin Chase: Reviewed the purposes of the Community Council and training for this year including where the money comes from, what our goal are, the need to approve a Safe schools and Routing plan, look at digital citizenship and have the district share how we safeguard students, and the need to look at data and give input into school direction and where the Land Trust moneys should be spent.      


Kevin then ran the Elections for our 2024-2025 Council Chair: Shannon Wilkinson self nominated, she was seconded by Noah Tramposh.  There were no other nominations and a vote was taken which was unanimously in favor of Shannon Wilkinson from those present. 


Kevin then turned the time over to Shannon Wilkinson to finish the meeting. 


Shannon Welcomed everyone and asked Kevin to present the data and plans from last year and the current year. 


Kevin then reviewed the Trustlands plan from 2023-2024 and the attainment of those goals, then shared the 2024-2025 plan and goals.


Noah Tramposh asked teachers what wasn’t working with the plan this year so we could look at other options for next year’s plans.  Kevin stated that it was difficult to keep aides in their intervention roles when they were needed to cover the recess, lunch or classrooms when other aides were missing work.  Both Cami and Jill agreed.      


Council discussion on ways to involve the public to help with the need for more aides.  Ideas that were suggested were:  Just Serve app, inviting retired community, churches and businesses nearby, Parents who might have one day available.


The tentative meeting schedule for the year was set as the following:

Nov 13th @ 3PM in the Midland Library 

Jan 15th @ 3PM in the Midland Library 

Feb 12th @ 3PM in the Midland Library 


There was not any other people at the meeting for Public Input 


Shannon adjourned the meeting at 4:02